Citizenship Day

Citizenship Day 2018
We started the school year with our regular Citizenship Day. Children came to school dressed in blue to signify their commitment to Anti-Bullying. Each class took part in lessons that emphasised the importance of being a good citizen both in school and in the wider world. 
Find out what each class got up to below:
Reception used Citizenship day to explore and learn about the rules set in school and ways that we can follow them. We also learnt about the DASP Caterpillars and discussed what each word meant. We came up with our 'Class Charter' by discussing how we could make Reception class a happy, kind and caring place to be. Each child signed the class charter by creating a special colourful handprint. 
Year 2
Year 2 looked at the UN Convention on the rights of the child and then came up with their own class charter. We also each completed our shield project where the children wrote and drew things that were special to them, including special people, special places and special objects.
Year 3
Year 3, we looked at the UN Convention Rights of the Child and reminded ourselves that alongside these rights come responsibilities if we are to make sure that all children have their rights met. We used these responsibilities to create our class charter for the year. 
We explored our three school core values of Respect, Perseverance and Compassion. The children shared ways they can show compassion. We learnt that we need to give respect in order to get respect and set goals on what we will persevere with this  new academic year. 
Year 4
In Year 4, we revisited the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child and reminded ourselves about the responsibilities that go hand in hand with these rights. We then chose which articles we thought were most important to us in school. From this, we created our class charter for the year based on the responsibilities we have to make sure everyone in the class has access to their rights.
We looked again at the values train display and further explored our school three core values of Respect, Perseverance and Compassion.