Well-being and Citizenship Day

Well-being and Citizenship Day
In Reception, we focussed on friendship and the differences that good friendships can have on a person's life. We read lots of stories that show that friendship can help people overcome hardships and can change people's moods and make them happier and friendlier people. 
One of our favourite books was 'Sharing a Shell' by Julia Donaldson. It showed us that we shouldn't fall out with our friends over silly little things. We created a crab picture and wrote down who we would always share our shell with, if we had one, and talk to when we're feeling down.
Year 1
In Year 1 we looked at different feelings and linked them to colours. We learnt a fun song to help us remember the colours! Then we focused on a range of scenarios from the playground and identified how each of the characters might be feeling using drama techniques to bring the scene to life! Finally, we  wrote speech bubbles and attached them to our picture.
Year 2
We focused on physical activity improving mood and how sleep can help give our mind and body a rest. We discussed how we feel if we don't get a good night's sleep and ways of helping us get a good night's sleep. We listened to some music and practiced some breathing to help us at bedtime.
Year 3
Our WELL BEING focus was about learning to keep emotionally as well as physically fit and how the two go hand in hand. We practiced yoga techniques to support our physical fitness and then teamed this with some mindfulness exercises to support our emotional well being.
We talked about the importance of TALK; sharing our thoughts and feelings with those we trust and who look after us. This lead the way to refresh our understanding of BULLYING and we can improve or worsen a bullying situation. TALK, TELL, SHARE; don't keep it in!
As CITIZENS of the world, we discussed and debated 'What does it mean to be doing well in life?' There were many great answers given, all up for a good debate. Our answers became even more interesting when we compared them to what children in other parts of the world thought.
Year 4
In Year 4 we focused on the importance of talking about our mental health. The children learnt how to categorise feelings into small, everyday feelings that can be easily managed and big feelings that are harder to cope with. They then did activities to help them to know how to manage big feelings: the 'stress bucket' approach and highlighting the importance of talking to others to share problems and worries. This was followed by an activity to encourage good listening skills.
In the afternoon, Year 4 explored ways to stop bullying. The children discussed ideas in groups then created some stop signs to display their ideas.