Autumn 2023

Year 4 and Reception Buddies
As part of Year 4 special duties, each child is 'buddied up' with a reception child. This is a great way for the reception children to feel cared for and connected with the wider school environment. Also, the Year 4's really step up and take on this caring role very well.
For the first half term, Year 4 visited reception every Friday afternoon to play and get to know each other. They now look our for them at playtimes. We are super proud of how great the Year 4s have been with their new buddy this term. 


This term, the children have looked at how to represent animals through collage and paint, in the styles of Megan Coyle and George Stubbs. Megan Coyle painted with paper and is a modern artist. George Stubbs painted pictures of all animals, but liked to draw horses best. Here are the children’s own animal collages and paintings of horses. They worked very hard and the results are great…

Nothe Fort
In November we went to Nothe Fort to learn about what it was like to be an evacuee in World War 2. We dressed up as though we were living in wartime and carried gas mask boxes and identity tags. Everyone really enjoyed this trip and we learnt lots about how people lived then. We were aslo able to see the Warmwell display to see how the area we live in had contributed to the War effort.