Summer 2024

Class Trip to Lorton Meadows
On Wednesday 15th May, we visited Lorton Meadows nature reserve in Weymouth. The trip supported our work in science looking at plants, trees and different animal habitats. We took part in lots of activities including pond dipping, bug hunts and a nature walk looking at trees and flowers. 
It was such a super day out for us all. 
PE with Kingston Maurward Sports Department
In the Summer Term, Year 1 worked alongside students from Kingston Maurward Sports Department. They taught the pupils various skills in games, including throwing, catching, running and jumping. Both pupils and students loved the experience and the link between the school and the college will continue in future years.
Art - John Ndambo
In art this term, we have looked at the artist John Ndambo. He is famous for painting African landscapes using bright, bold colours. We created out own piece inspired by him, painting the background with bright colours and adding African animals using various collage materials.