Summer 2024

Hamish and Milo
In preparation for moving to middle school, we have been doing some sessions of our Hamish and Milo programme as a whole class. Mrs Trent is coming in to lead us and we are talking about new beginnings and exploring how we are feeling about going to middle school. Each session involves us talking about our feelings and creating something that reflects that.
Making Dips
In DT, we have been researching how food is stored and what food is seasonal and when it is in season. Then we cam e up with a list of what we would like in a dip and prepared instructions on how to make them. These are our finished dips, they tasted good!
Science Electricity
In science, we have been learning to make electrical circuits with bulbs, buzzers and switches. We have learned about conductors of electricity and made our own switches using this knowledge.
In computing, we have been learning about Photo Editing. We have discussed the positives and negatives of photo editing. Then, had lot of fun cutting, pasting, changing the size, colour and shape of different photos to make new 'out of this world' photos...