Spring 2024

Hooke Court

We had a wonderful fun successful trip to Hooke Court this term! The children worked in groups with children from other local first schools who will also feed into Puddletown Middle School. Over three days the children took part in: 

  • shelter building in the woods; 

  • crossing the moat challenge; 

  • rocket building and launching them in a field; 

  • tribal games including coming up with a tribe name, logo to face paint on themselves and nature hunt

  • Night walk in the woods

  • Nighttime campfire and singing

We even managed some sleep at night!
Crossing the Moat Challenge
Shelter Building in the Woods
Rocket Making
Triabal Games
Design and Technology
This term we designed and built suspension bridges. we looked at how bridges were made and what trusses were. We looked at different types of bridges and how to build them using triangles as a base. Then we tested them by using toy cars and suspending them between tables, before evaluating our work.These are some of our finished designs.
This term we looked at Joan Jonas and how she constructs her art work through different media.She liked to produce art that was related to fairy tales. We used printing, stencils, materials, sewing and buttons to create a picture of Little Red Riding Hood.